March's Baltic Birthstone
Our monthly "Baltic Birthstones" feature gives the traditional Birthstones a contemporary Amber makeover! Butterscotch Amber makes the perfect clarifying Birthstone for March's Pisceans, with a more unique shade of amber.
Our monthly "Baltic Birthstones" feature gives the traditional Birthstones a contemporary Amber makeover! Butterscotch Amber makes the perfect clarifying Birthstone for March's Pisceans, with a more unique shade of amber.
Our monthly "Baltic Birthstones" feature gives the traditional Birthstones a contemporary Amber makeover! Cherry Amber mirrors Amethyst as the perfect Birthstone for February, with a mesmerising and rare quality.
Our monthly "Baltic Birthstones" feature gives the traditional Birthstones a contemporary makeover! Red Amber makes the perfect Birthstone for January, adding a fiery warmth to this winter month.
Our monthly "Baltic Birthstones" feature gives the traditional Birthstones a contemporary makeover! Cognac makes the perfect Birthstone for this brandy infused winter season.
Our monthly "Baltic Birthstones" feature gives the traditional Birthstones a contemporary makeover! Amber makes the perfect Birthstone for this cold and gloomy November month.
Somehow Amber drew the short straw and didn't qualify for the 'Birthstones' category. So let's break society's barriers and squeeze it into this elite gemstone group. Take a look at our Baltic Birthstone alternatives,...